
May 10, 2009 12:26

Thanks to glvalentine for making me this spiffy icon, for my more quizzical moments ( Read more... )

popular culture, thank yous, persiflage, computer

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Comments 18

beth_bernobich May 10 2009, 16:52:27 UTC
*puts on techy hat*

If you're using HTML formatting, you need to add in front of the text, and after it. As in italics to create italics.

To add a journal link, deliasherman will get you deliasherman.


deliasherman May 10 2009, 19:39:50 UTC
That's what I did. Because it's what I do when I comment, and it always works. But this time, it was all, like, FATAL ERROR, YOU IDIOT (that last was implied). PLEASE FIX AT EARLIEST CONVENIENCE UNLESS YOU WANT EVERYBODY TO KNOW WHAT AN IDIOT YOU ARE.

Which I found somewhat irksome. Anyway, it's all okay now.

BTW. Very cool that you were able to show me the stuff with <>s around it and the resulting formatting without driving the system batty. I take my cloche off to you techy hat.


beth_bernobich May 10 2009, 19:54:20 UTC
I have no idea why it's shouting at you (very annoying, that), but rosefox's advice about the Rich Text Editor should fix things up for you.

I take my cloche off to your techy hat.

*adores the cloche*

It's a trick I learned from hand-coding HTML. Yes, I am a geek.


sartorias May 10 2009, 17:21:54 UTC
Your movie rules seem pretty much the same as mine.

Hoping to see the Trek movie next week, when the lines are down a bit.


rosefox May 10 2009, 17:33:31 UTC
At the top right corner of the big box where you enter the entry text, click the tab that says "Rich text" and you'll be able to do formatting stuff easily there without remembering the HTML codes.


deliasherman May 10 2009, 19:40:29 UTC
Thank you, my dear.


kateelliott May 10 2009, 19:03:04 UTC
criada May 10 2009, 19:23:04 UTC
I don't think it did. If I remember right, the only women with speaking parts are Uhura, Kirk and Spock's respective moms and a green alien girl Kirk's boinking. Uhura and Green Alien Girl talk, but guess what about? It's a fun movie anyway. I figure they're stuck with the original characters at the moment, and hopefully they'll do what they can to remedy it in sequels.
No, wait, I remember! There was a moment where they're calling out ship assignments, and Uhura gets her from another woman. There. It passes.


kateelliott May 10 2009, 19:40:46 UTC
deliasherman May 10 2009, 19:42:36 UTC
Well, no, it doesn't. But I'm grandfathering it in (the verb is used advisedly) because, well, Star Trek.

I could find it in my heart to wish that the creators had entered the 21st century enough to put in a little girl-talk, too. Or is the fact they didn't seem to see the need to what is meant by "Post-Feminist" (she said snarkily)?


kortirion May 10 2009, 19:25:36 UTC
Go to 'Help' on your LJ home page then > FAQ. The following is FAQ 75 that deals with lj cuts

There was a really good cheatsheet of lj codes, but it seems to have gone, or at least I can't find the link now. It was posted December 25th 2003 and when I printed it off the url was:

Edit: Forget the 'gone' bit - I clicked the link and it works! *doh*


deliasherman May 10 2009, 19:43:18 UTC
Thank you. This looks very useful.


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