Feb 21, 2009 18:18

There are people who travel a whole lot more than I do, and they undoubtedly have more informed opinions about airports than I do, too. However, I just have to go on record that LAX is a thoroughly civilized and pleasant airport to connect through. The food (in the international terminal, anyway) is excellent (if pricy), and there's this lounge even the hoi polloi can sit in and get free (for some alternate value of free) internet and snacks for the low, low price of $10 an hour. Which is a lot more pleasant than spending 2 hours sitting at the gate, with nothing but Starbucks and Chili's to choose from.

Chicago's pretty good, too. Detroit's not bad, and neither is Atlanta. Dallas/Ft. Worth is hell on earth, closely followed by Zurich and Heathrow, possibly not in that order. JFK is right down there, too, which is unfortunate since we have to fly in and out of it all the time. Amsterdam and Narita vie for top marks, although it depends, in Narita, which terminal you fly into.

What are your faves?

airports, travel

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