Missing Heyer Novel

Nov 28, 2006 00:26

I've been racking my brain for weeks--even months--over the title of a particular Heyer novel I want to re-read. It's about a young woman who keeps house for her noble soldier brother out in the country somewhere. The brother is a spoiled and thoughtless sort, who marries a young woman with a dragon of a mother while on short leave and dumps them on his sister to take care of while he's off in the Peninsula (I think). The young wife is pregnant, the mother is a horror (not vulgar-horror, mean-horror), and the relationship among the three of them is beautifully delineated. I can't remember anything about the love interest, except that he must have rescued Our Heroine from the Dragon-Lady's clutches, or what would be the point of his showing up?

Does this ring any bells with anyone? I've glanced through my exhaustive Heyer collection (Hey, I even have Lord John and most of the mysteries), and can't pin it down. Nor can I pin down a Heyer I don't own--although I'm guessing that it has to be this one. But, once identified, I can take steps to procure it, and that would be wonderful. For some reason, it's the one I particularly want to read just now. Probably because I can't find it. I remember feeling the same way about The Foundling.


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