Writing Process Blog Tour

Jun 11, 2014 14:27

The My Writing Process Blog Tour (#MyWritingProcess on Twitter) has been doing the rounds on the internet lately.  Participating writers of all genres, backgrounds, and tastes have to answer the same four deceptively simple questions about how they approach the endlessly fascinating and diverse process of writing.  I heard about it from Edith Hope ( Read more... )

thoughts, writing life, books

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Comments 6

amazing stuff janefluffington June 11 2014, 18:35:14 UTC
I'm impressed that you finish any of your books. You are determined and way more talented and skilled than you humbly let on! Congratulations on sending off your new book.


Re: amazing stuff ext_2637088 June 18 2014, 07:54:28 UTC
I smiled when reading this. As a fledgling author I worried that I wasn't approaching writing in a systematic way. I write when inspiration strikes, wherever I am. Inspiration rarely strikes when I am sitting at a desk in my study!


Re: amazing stuff deliasherman June 18 2014, 14:36:45 UTC
Yeah, inspiration is like that, sometimes. I have more story beginnings on napkins and receipts and little scraps of paper, even though I carry a little notebook in my bag so I've got something to write on. Hey, it's a system. It's just a quirky one.


Happy Birthday ladydayelle June 28 2019, 08:21:34 UTC
Apropos of something, Happy Birthday.


Thank you! ext_5140461 June 28 2019, 13:18:22 UTC
Wow. Thank you for reminding me of this, especially since I have to teach a class on Revision next week. Also, this reminds me that my stories haven’t changed much in 5 years. I just used the Scarlett O’Hara a few days ago to an academic who asked me if I’d ever written down my ideas about diversity in middle grade fantasy. Also, also, this gives me the basis for a lecture I’m supposed to be giving soon. So. You have given me the Best Birthday Present Ever.


Apropos of something ladydayelle June 22 2021, 20:56:37 UTC
Happy Birthday.


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