Seven Miles of Steel Thistles

Feb 10, 2012 10:55

I feel a little sheepish puffing off a blog post I wrote for someone else, when I've been so remiss here.  In extenuation, I wrote it last year, and this is a re-run.  Katherine Langrish asked me for a post about a fairytale I particularly loved for her blog "Seven Miles of Steel Thistles," and ran it last fall.  She's running the series again, and my post is up today.

Katherine Langrish is a wonderful British YA writer, whose books have not had the distribution in the states that they deserve.  She really, really knows her folklore, and creates characters and settings that really live.  Her landscapes are characters, and active ones at that.  The Shadow Hunt, Troll Fell, Troll Mill, and Troll Blood are the ones I've read, but there are more.  And they're available from Powell's.

And my post?  It's about "The Snow Child," a Russian fairytale about adoption and dying young, which made a strong impression on me as an asthmatic child.  She's decorated the post with lovely illustrations I'd never seen before.

guest blog, shameless self-promotion

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