Diana Wynne Jones RIP

Mar 26, 2011 10:42

Diana Wynne Jones is gone.

I met her a couple of times (most memorably in Minneapolis, at an early Fourth Street, where she was very kind to me), but mostly I knew her through her books.  Her imagination was unconfined, her characters particular and living, her voice unmistakable.  Archer's Goon has given his name (and his purpose) to a loose network of writers who send one another pages once a week (in writing season) mostly to keep each other moving on first drafts of novels.  In my world, a Goon is a chapter or a portion of a chapter from a friend, and I think of Diana whenever I send or read one (it has to be turned around fast, and "I WANT MORE" is the only allowable response).

All unknowing, through writing books I've read and re-read until their rhythms have become part of my brain, she has taught me how to put a book together, how to reveal what must be revealed and not a detail more, how to take chances, how to hang in there, writing the books she wanted to write, until the wider world caught up with her.  She was a remarkable woman and a remarkable writer, and she'll be much missed.

And now I think I'll go and read Charmed Life again.  Or maybe Witch Week.  Or The Pinhoe Egg.  Something, anyway.

thoughts, rip

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