Busy, Busy, Busy

Feb 27, 2011 21:02

You know all that stuff I wrote a month ago, about the things I needed to get done?

Well, I did them.  Mostly.  I've got some material I still need to give to Gavin, but the worst of it is in.  Except for the "Why I Wrote This Book" essay, which will top my March "Do or Die" list.

The intro?  Done and dusted.  I even had fun doing it, and liked it when it was done, which is not a usual thing for me.

Meeting Minutes?  Compiled, organized, in, and accepted by the board.

The course description?  In.  I'll be posting it for your delectation later this month.  I've also got some ideas on exercises and prompts.

The short story?  Handed it in two days before it was due, even though I'd asked for an extension, because the end would not cooperate and the climax was 1) incomprehensible; 2) anti-climactic.  Bless birdhousefrog,  and the other beta readers (especially the long-suffering ellen_kushner ) for their help and encouragement.  The great bonus is, I've heard back from the editor, and he's bought it!  This is the kind of positive reinforcement that keeps me writing short stories.

Plus, I've made good progress on the middle-grade book I came on this retreat to work on.  When I got here, I had maybe 15,000 words of text, a plot full of holes, too few characters, and too many questions.  Since I haven't compiled the ms out of Scrivener yet, I don't know how many words I have now, but whole book is plotted, the existing material retooled, many new scenes written or begun, and I generally as if I've got a good, solid handle on the thing.

Not bad for the shortest but most annoying month of the year.

writing business, writing life, to do

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