Feb 09, 2006 15:17
maybe i should write in here again.
but im not really sure about livejournal land, it aint what it used to be. most everyone has dropped off or gone to myspace, myself included.
its a gloriously toasty East Bay day down here in Oakland. I remember the days when I resented the sun so much, a typical Seattle girl. loving the cool drizzly days and loathing the blindingly bright sunny days when my mother would leave the screen door open and vaccuum. maybe thats why i hated the sun, because i associated it with my mother cleaning frantically.
but now im older and see the error in my ways and bask in the warmth whenever i can. maybe 30 straight days back home will do that.
Im crampy today, had to leave Modern Art History early. I waited in line during break to tell my teacher i was leaving an hour early because i'd just been overtaken by cramps. I had to wait as she and a girl in front of me, whom i think is from Seattle and her family knows Elliotts family, were having a long winded boring ass talk about post impressionism (during break?? who takes time to actually TALK to teachers when you could be outside in the sun chopping it up with friends?) heh. I was dancing on a pin head about to pass out from my uterus eating itself alive when i finally got a word in.
so i ran back and here i am.
Its been so long since i've written in here. written anything besides a few emails and a well thought out myspace comment. uhhhh the internet. the bain of my existence.
since the only people that read this are probably Nicole and Allison, and even Maddie...which is RETARDED BECAUSE YOU LIVE 2 FEET AWAY FROM ME. and you are currently doing 2D homework by the window. its so sunny today! wow. i think i have developed ADD down here. anyways, back to the point: since nicole and allison only read this, im excited for Nic to come down here and am always get a chuckle out of allisons constant parade of hOt BoiIizZz up at UW!
well. thats all for now. but perhaps ill start...
updating my lIvEjOuRnAl?!?1~*~*~*~*