Mar 12, 2007 14:21
The spring is here. I can hardly believe it. It's so perfect. I step outside, wearing my winterjacket and a scarf. I step outside and the sun is shining. I step outside and I smell the spring. I step outside and start smiling. When I start walking towards the shops to do my normal groceries, the sun fills my heart. I start remembering all the things my mind connected to this smell. The smell of sun, flowers and sorftness. I hear the birds wistling all around me. I remember sitting in the park in the first year of highschool. Studying for my music exame. Sitting there and trying to remember all the terms. I remember sitting in our old yard and eating a sandwich with tomatoes and suger, when I came back to have lunch, when I was about 8. I remember laying in the park with my exboyfriend last year in Australia. I remember het kronenburgerpark where we always used to sit in our breaks in highschool. Enjoying the sun. I want to lay in a park. I want to just relax. That's what this weather tells me to do. It makes me realise how beautiful life can be. Walking back from the shops I can't stop smiling. But then I get in to my room. And realise I can't do any of this. I can't go running. I can't lay in the park and have a glass of wine. I'll have to study all day. And in the yard there's just shadow. The only moment I'll be able to enjoy this weather is when I'm biking to go swimming.I can't wait till I'll have the time to enjoy this weather for more than 3 minutes...