
Oct 29, 2009 09:13

Hrmph! I was planning on a stormy day today and as I am coming in to works it looks like the promise of rain was highly likely! Then just not a moment ago I look behind me out my window and what do I see??? Blue sky. I was so in the mood for a stormy day.

Yesterday we made baby cupcakes for he kids school. They were better than I thought. We also left off the icing as I could see the hatred from the other parents as they came to pick up their kids after school and they were covered in icing from our cupcakes. So late last night the icing plan got nixed.

Beau got groomed. Spare bedroom is still a wreck. I just couldnt do anything after work but sit.

Both Moms got off on their cruises so we'll be without them for a couple of weeks.

I have a Halloween party tomorrow that I dont have a costume for and I dont think I am going to get one either. Halloween is up there on my list of favorite holidays and I feel I have slacked alittle. So on that note I am ending this post as I began it with a fearty HRMPF!

**ed.- It was supposed to be "hearty HRMPF" but the "f" makes it much more funny.**
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