May 02, 2006 13:55
So lately something has been bothering me.....actually, not something, but someone. Lately this certain individual has been pissing me off to the extreme because of his unbelievable stupidity. This person is the biggest hypocrite I know, he says one thing about his ex-girlfriends and then completely turns around what he just said about them. I know, this shouldn't bother me but it does! This person was a friend of mine, but lately I just can't stand him. He irritates me to the extreme. I try and help him with his problems but he never listens to me....OR ANYONE ELSE FOR THAT MATTER! He seriously needs a good dose of lead at top speeds to the temple. I can't stand this person, he pisses me off so much and he has no idea. He is the biggest hypocrite, whiner, and all around stupid. GRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!