A detailed weekend description in 4 easy parts....

Jun 16, 2008 15:06

Friday I rushed home after work to do most of our clothes laundry.  I wanted to take Saturday (up to three o'clock anyway, when we'd be leaving for Aaron's cousin's graduation ceremony) to wash our sheets and blankets.  But the blankets especially are so large that they take forever to dry so I was going to need every second I could get, and of course since I live in an apartment, i can't just get up early and start it when I want to:  have to wait until 8.  Well, through a series of events, I wasn't able to get started until 10:30... which was way too late.  I was doubtful I could get it done in the 7 hours I had before, but cut is down to 5?  No way.  So all that rushing around I did on Friday was for naught.  *sigh*

Saturday was still a good day though.  Keegan graduated high school with honors....  I know it was far more surreal for Aaron than for I, but it was still weird.  I knew that kid before puberty, for Pete's sake!  It's going to be even weirder when his sister Maddie graduates;  I met her when she was 5 or 6!  I couldn't believe the number of kids in this class though, and the number of people in the stands watching them graduate!  It was INSANE.  The Grandstand at the Puyallup Fair Grounds was almost completely full!  I know my Small Town U.S.A.  is showing, but my graduating class was MAYBE half the size of this class.  Maybe.  It was a little daunting actually....   I'm proud of Keegan though.  He's a damned good kid.  He had this whole "young republican" thing going for a while, but now that he's spent several months in D.C.  watching both sides argue as a page in the House, he's gone the other way and gives serious thought to his opinions and actions.  I'm proud of him for making this change, not because I happened to disagree with his thoughts before, but because he saw something that bothered him and made a change in himself instead of just going along and staunchly refusing to ever believe that he'd been in error.  He's got a good head on his shoulders.

Sunday was fun as well.  We took Aaron's dad out to see The Incredible Hulk (which was freakin' AWESOME!!) and then we went back to their house for a Father's Day BBQ.  Aaron's step sister and her three kids showed up, which was cool because I hadn't seen the kids in a while.  The "baby"  who is actually 2, is almost as big as his older sister, who's three years older than he!  The kid is HUGE.

And I managed to not even be melancholy during the day. Father's day falls almost right smack dab between the date of my dad's passing and his birthday...  Obviously I'm long past the point of falling down on the ground and weeping over him being gone, but I do still miss him terribly, and this time of the year just brings it to a sharper point than normal.  I feel bad sometimes because I love Aaron's dad very much, and I want to celebrate what I have instead of mourning what I've lost, but it's hard sometimes.  Dad was a little lost having two girls to raise;  he really didn't know what to do with us!  But once we became adults, it was easier for him because he could converse with us like adults.  But he died when I was 24, so we never really had a chance for much of that, and I miss what we could have had almost as much as I miss what we did have.

Thus endeth my crazy rants about various topics.
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