I had wanted to go to see what Piiko had done as far as decorating, but I had little interest in staying longer. I do not know how to dance, and wings make it difficult to have room. I had been considering asking Akio to go with me, but it appears he is having an... intimate relationship with Endrance and will be attending with him. I do not wish to go and be uncomfortable.
If you so wish, Angel. Perhaps I will catch you for a moment or two there. Ah...I can only imagine the burden of those white wings...I do not remember mine all that clearly...except tripping over them as a child
I would prefer not to trip backwards on them or my hair and make more of a fool of myself. I do hope I see you for a time there. It has been awhile, Demon.
My eyes can hardly wait to see the flashy abominations Then we will see one another. Perhaps sooner than simply the new years dance. I've been on...alert recently with so many from my world appearing.
KoEnma. Had I...not arrived here in such a timely manner I would have faced him instead of the gods of Purgatorium. I daresay I prefer this world to a century of punishment.
He is a fool regardless. I will not stand for him treating you that way. I will handle him before he tears my family apart with his stupid and careless words.
You and me both, Angel...I'm surprised he was as brazen as he was...but you will find...that he is a coward. He fears retribution and will hide behind the other members of that group...
Is he? What a strange roommate you've acquired...
Strange fails to describe it at times.
A meeting then. When we find out where it will be held I will arrange a place...hm?
That would please me greatly. It might make Piiko happy as well. I do think those decorations are going to be as flashy as he can make them.
My words remain on if he offends you.
I doubt such would ever be required, Demon. That is hardly how I choose to handle things.
As you wish, Angel...
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