
Oct 13, 2007 08:19

I haven't seen Angel recently...I wonder what mischief he's getting into, if any. Aside from that I've been contemplating. Is The Upper Level...all there is for those like myself? Or simply a means to a permanent ending? It has it's luxuries for a price but is it worth it...?

At least the ningen holiday of Halloween is approaching and my birthday


He sleeps so peacefully, that...child. I do not know whom he is, or why he looks like me. I certainly never left anyone alive long enough to father a child, but he claims...Youko of all creatures is his mother. It...makes no sense! Kitsune do not lay eggs, Kitsune men do not have children!

I will simply wait. Patience is not a virtue I have in great abundance but I see no reason to kill him. Not when I have more to learn from him. Not when there is a possibility of finding out if there is another world.

the upper level, yue, stuck in purg forever, youko kurama, piiko

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