
Sep 03, 2007 11:17

I'm still having pleasant dreams about that boy's beautiful death. At least, since I wasn't truly in love with him, I'm not suffering quite so badly from the blues.

It was a good hunt indeed. And lately things have been looking up in all sorts of ways. Food, warmth, things we want...just given away? Mmm...I can only wonder what sort of nasty trick will come of this. A false sense of security we're being slowly lulled towards...?

Private to self

Things do seem to be looking up rather nicely. I haven't caught sight of that darkling bird recently, nor have I seen much of anyone since that beautiful little game of catch with Ah....what was his name?


His death, while certainly not the most beautiful by any means...was quite lovely all the same. I think I relish the way his eyes glistened when he realized there....simply wasn't any hope left of surviving that particular encounter.

I suppose I should find company but I hardly feel overly chatty at the moment. Oh well, if nothing else it is a way to keep aware of those around me.

not loving kyouya, death, kyouya, murderer and victim, love

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