So, with a new mindset (well in the process of making one) I have decided to make a listing of things that amuse me, make me happy and so forth. I don't know how long it will be, but hey, what the hell? Expect some edits. :P
The Happy List:
(crappy picture, but it's my sister's crappy shoe. hehe.)
- Dynamite Hack's cover of NWA's "Boys in the Hood".
My sister's Nike (c) swoosh eyebrows and really screwy fashion sense.
When I am called *hunny bunny* and liking it. (I normally hate that).
My creativity.
My growing abilities as an artist.
Friends showing up out of the blue.
Having no money, but saying fuck it, and spending it anyway for a quick moment of happiness.
Cuddling. (I'm such a sap).
Proving my family wrong.
Finding out I can do it on my own.
My roommate's weird logic.
Knowing that my friends love me, and knowing that they are there.
Ask a glass of water.
The "Are you" game.
Maxfield Parrish.
Mushiness and sappiness.
Crap, that's about it right now. I'm gonna post later.