(no subject)

Jan 11, 2003 15:07

I've got a serious bitch.

Well, not so serious in that you have to read this stupid editorial, but, it's something that has to be said.

What ever happened to American Movies?

My main gripe is that American standards in movies ahsseriously gone to shit. It's really hard to find a movie out there that has some serious brain candy without having to whip out your box-o-Kleenex and going puffy in the face. Why is it that we, as Americans, feel that a movie isn't good enough if it doesn't have enough eye poppin special effecs in it, that it doesn't deserve recgnition?

For instance, i was watching Parasite Eve with my sister this morning. It's a Japanese flick, and I love it, I think it's great. It gets me thinking. Granted, I Think that the Japanese could have done better, but the fact remains, it got me thinking about the main plot: Mitochondria. The 'Eye Candy wasn't even that great, you could tell how it was being done, it wasn't wowing you with computer animation. But what made it worth it was that it was based of of something totally REAL, and it COULD happen. (Though myself, find it hard to believe).

Now, give this movie to an American. What would they do? OK, maybe some of the story may remain in tact, and the Special Effects would be phenominal. But would it be worth it? In most cases, the answer would definately be yes. Throw in some Michelle Pfifer, Some Tom Cruise, and a Whole lotta CG, and everything's ok.

OK, lets move away from that Genre. How about the French Movie le Femme Nikita. I LOVE this movie. Beautiful, meaty, cool action sequences... NO AMERICAN CG. And it made me think. I felt sorry for the heroine. It was good, I felt good. Then the American version came out. 'Point of No Return'. Ok, Brigette Fonda, in skimpy outfits, carrying a big gun was the selling point, and granted, the director stayed as true to the original as possible... But it didn't hold anything special. The point I saw being made was the American Filmmakers were pointing and laughing, mocking them saying, "hah hah, we can do better!" In my eyes, it's disgusing.

There are many instances of this happening, and I wouldn't even know where to begin.

Then there are other shows, and frankly, I think other cultures is where it at. The British have a way with comedy that just KILLS me. The French have a VERY intense way of making a movie, German-made make your head spin, Asian is smart. I'm sure that there are movie that suck out on those distant soils, but currently, only the foreign aisle at my local hollywood video is actually worth it to me.

Either that, or the old classics section. (but that generally turns into horror anyways.)Seems like my only joy with current movies is gore factor, but hey, if they gonna make some cool gore, i'm on it. :)
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