Oct 18, 2009 19:01
My husband has been telling me for years that the things we grew up with as pop culture icons are totally lost to our children. We were in line at Target yesterday and D pointed out some etupid kids movie that I have no intention of buying is $5. So I point out that Edward Scissorhands was also $5. "Why is he called Edward Scissorhands?"
"Look at the cover. He has scissors for hands."
So I tell my husband this last night, because I thought it was cute and was reminded by a commercial for the movie on ABC Family. He immediately turns and asks D, "Who was the bad guy in Halloween?" which got a big shrug.
"Who was the bad guy in Friday the 13th?"
"Uhhhh... Johnny Depp?"
I just laughed. I don't even think she knows exactly who Johnny Depp is, she just knows the name.