Apr 19, 2009 12:32
I've airbrushed about 4 hours since last Thursday and am feeling much less frustrated. It would have been more, but it's hard to airbrush in the rain and I don't have a covered porch to set up under. Husband told me last night that I was better with the airbrush than with the hand brush. Well, I haven't handled many brushes, since that giant manic episode I call college, so I guess that makes sense.
Last night I spent an hour and a half practiceing lines in the clown picture and then spraying gesso over it and repainting. I think I will have to find another reservoir to put between me and the compressor, because I kept getting water in my hose, even though there is a reservoir right on the compressor. because air moves so fast through the compressor and hoses, the walls get very cold and water condenses. Extra water coming through the brush, totally fubars the paint because it comes dirsetly through the air holes and splats. I think I just need to put some extra space between the brush and the compressor and seperate the hoses with a reservoir to catch more if the water. I wonder if Dad has an extra reservoir.
Finished TurnCoat. Harry Dresden rocks. I'll probably read it again before I actually review it. It was action packed and Harry gets the crap beat out of him multiple times.
Sometime Friday, I got a horrible cold. I must go get more orange juice.