Talked to my Dad, He's gonna see about helping me with childcare for the next 6 weeks. He ROCKS. I'm gonna be paying him the $40 I get reinbursed for the rest of the year, and a little bit for the money he loaned me earlier this year. I hate that I can't afford this crap on my own.
I've been playing with the CDC's Death Statistics page. Husband heard on the way home that out of the 32000 gun fatalities in the US during 2007 65% were from suicides. hmmm... So I looked it up for the last year they offer on the web site, and from 2005 it was 55% of the fatalities were suicides. I will keep that in mind the next time I here someone throw out the total number of gun fatalities a year. I would like to know how many of those deathes were considered justifiable. The CDC page showed that of that number, 12,352 were homicides, 789 were unintentional, and 330 were legal intervention. That leaves 3531 that are something else.
So then, after looking at all the gun death numbers, I started looking up the suicide numbers. In 2005, there were 32,637 suicides. 17,002 were from guns, 7248 were suffication, 5744 were poisoning, 683 falls, 590 were from cutting/piercing, 375 drownings, 160 Suicides by FIRE (!?!), and 113 were transportation related. I know that doesn't add up, but the rest are other.
There were more suicides by fire than by transportation? All I have to say is Wow.
What does it say about me that I took the time look up all that stuff?