yaaaaaaaaaaay! I just set up an appointment with Hiroko to get my hair cut and the bleach job fixed when I go visit Little Rock! Her birthday is on the same day as mine and we usually exchange gifts around the time that I'm going to go see her. This is so great; I haven't seen her since Winter Break! I didn't get a chance to speak with her today, and I'm not even sure if she knows that it's me coming to see her. All she knows is that "Christy" has an appointment on Saturday, September 6th at 2pm. Yay! One more surprise! I love surprises!
ps -
emoshemo - is the Soophie show in the evening? god I hope so!
Hawk(s) - You are into the punk rock, or at least
the down with authority part. Or maybe you just
like being stared at.
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