Just thought I'd share 2 funny photos with my LJ friends ... well, I think they're funny and hope you get a chuckle too.
First one is my hubby and his dog, Ruger, an almost-3-year-old boxer. You know that saying about dogs and their masters starting to look the same? Well, I had to giggle when I saw this one .... what do you think?
The second photo is my 3-year-old son NIcholas and my 17-year-old son Doug. Nicholas is slightly autistic and often does not interact with us very much, but *yesterday* he was full of hugs and kisses, tickling and horsing around ... he decided to jump on Uncle Doug's back yesterday and bounce up and down like he was riding a horse. You can tell Doug wasn't exactly thrilled - but I was!
He also came up to me with his arms raised, asking to be picked up, and gave me a kiss - very unusual and therefore much treasured!