A little bit of this and a little bit of that

May 31, 2006 10:48

Long time no see, eh? I think I have to make a resolution or something - post at least once a week. I often think 'Oh, I must post this in my LJ' and then am off to do something that I can't not do, posting gets put 'on hold' and later I realize that I don't remember whatever it was I wanted to write about :)

So, what news is there to share? First of all, I succumbed, given in to temptation - and got myself the 'Sponsored' LJ account. While I'm not yet convinced I want a paid account, those 15 userpics for free were my undoing. And I discovered yesterday that you could do one thing with the layout that I wanted to do very much but thought it impossible without a paid account. So when I'll have enough patience to actually play with everything, I'm changing the layout a bit.

I am also now going through 'a phase'. I have these from time to time - they usually manifest themselves in my hunting down and reading all (well, these that reach a certain standard, that is - no horrible grammar/spelling, an actual plotline, well written and usually longer than 20 000 words) fanfics from the fandom I currently have 'a phase' of. Right now it's Stargate Atlantis. I have been re-watching all of season 1 these past few weeks (finished yesterday evening) and got 'in the mood'.

I really, really like this show. Yes, I know it's illogical to a fault at times (but which sci-fi series isn't sometimes - even B5 had its moments) but it's such fun to watch. I haven't enjoyed a show like that for quite some time - since 4th season of the original Stargate, I think. Before that it was B5 (which is and always will be, I think, the show for me) and The X-files. And of course the one and only Major Sheppard only adds to the enjoyment :D You can see the evidence of my 'phase' in my userpics - 3/4 of them are Atlantis ones :) Wish we could watch it together, small_krecik, like in the old times. I'm sure it would be just as much fun as it was then, discussing even the smallest details ;D

I have also recently discovered Postcrossing. I am crazy about snail mailing (nothing like a good, old fashioned letter in an envelope, on real paper, in your mailbox) and have lots of friends around the world. I love getting stuff and sending it via mail. And I like postcards. So the site is ideal for me. My first two postcards have already reached their destinations (Belgium and Finland), 5 more are on the way. Now it's my time to receive something!

One more thing that got me all jumping up and down because I was so happy about the fact. I can now order books in English at Empik! For those of you who have access to Amazon it's nothing to write home about but for me it's like Christmas and birthday and nameday and... all together in one. Yes, I could have ordered my books from Amazon before but the shipping fees they have are so ridiculously high that I never wanted to. I harassed my aunt instead, whenever she was coming for a visit from Canada, or my Dad, whenever he was on a business trip abroad (always gave him a list of 20 or so books asking if he could bring me just one of them) and, last but not least, took full advantage of small_krecik's stay in Germany :) You know, Boo, how much I love you for all these books, right? ;) But now I can finally order my books and have them delivered to me whenever I want to! It's like we have reached a milestone of some sort in this country.

And now I'd like you to do one thing for me - I don't know if I manage to post before June 15th, so I'm asking now - please keep your fingers crossed for me on the 15th, the 18th and the 24th! I'll be taking my CPE exam then - first the Reading/Writing/Use of English, then Listening, then Speaking. I hope all goes well with it.

Finally, something that I should have posted quite some time ago - a meme, snagged from boz4PM:

Why am I on your friends list?

Answer and post this in your journal.

atlantis, meme, books, postcrossing

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