Mar 21, 2007 21:47
Yes. You are imagining things. And please don't let me know that you have seen me here :D
To quote Michael Garibaldi: "I know what I know because I have to know it. And if I don't have to know it, I don't tell me, and I don't let anyone else tell me either. (...) I never get involved with my own life. It's too much trouble." Ah the joys of B5! ;)
Anyway - I am not here not making this post only to tell you two very insignificant things.
First of all, on the first day of spring, namely today, I was greeted by snow outside. It snowed until 2 p.m. or so, then it changed to rain. Bleh. And we had such nice weather before! We have first flowers, the willow tree is starting to get green and now this. Hope it won't last, though you never know. Snow in March is nothing unusual. Actually, snow in April isn't so very strange. And I have photographic evidence of snow in May at home. We just have to wait and see.
The other insignificant and random thing is that I have remembered something from my dreams! :) Being woken up by something an hour before my usual time does help with that - only I couldn't get back to sleep, so it's not a good method in the long run.
The dream was hilarious - at least the part that I remembered. I was somewhere in a large room, doing something, possibly cleaning. I was wearing jeans and a T-shirt with a big photo of Babylon 5 station on the front. I looked up and in the doorway I saw prof. Eagle (nickname; our most feared teacher from uni), grinning broadly at me. That's o.O stuff already. But then he goes and states: "Oh! That's Babylon 5! I love this show! I am such a fan!" I was only able to babble incoherently in the dream, after hearing such a statement. Am still giggling uncontrollably when I recall this scene. :D
And now I go back to not being here. Not much progress on this thing that I want done before I rejoin the online life, so don't expect me back anytime soon. :(
*hugs* to you all