Vaginal Smell and Taste

Oct 29, 2011 09:10

Can You Alter the Taste of Your Vagina?

Because most women are raised with pretty pessimistic messages about their bodies in general, and their genitals in particular they also often discover themselves worried about how “acceptable” they’ll be, and prone to feeling self-conscious.
Add to this the fact that there is much secrecy and precious little education for young men about women’s bodies, most men pick up more than a few negative stereotypes about the flavor and smell of a woman’s vagina.

The good news is that most adults who enjoy a healthy sex life, and for whom part of that sex life is the, expectantly frequent, experience of going down on a woman, end up loving the taste and aroma of their female partners. After all the smell and taste is one of arousal, desire…sex really. So for a lot of people it becomes a turn on, not a turn off.

Every woman has a somewhat different taste, and it is dependent on many things, including natural secretions, arousal fluid, sweat, diet, and certainly whether or not you have any sort of bacterial or yeast infections.

In terms of what you can do if you want to experiment with changing the taste of your own vaginal fluids, there does seem to be a lot of non-scientific conformity that diet can have an impact. That said, eating a lot of garlic (particularly raw garlic) will influence the way you taste.

You mentioned reading that parsley, alfalfa and wheat germ will make you “taste better” but the truth is that taste is largely subjective, so while they may alter the way you taste, the “better” part is really a judgment by you and/or anyone else you’re sharing your vaginal taste with! I hope this helps a little bit.

Tags: sex tips, intercourse, pleasure, sexual online pharmacy, female sexual health, sexuality, vagina, vaginal smell, vaginal taste, vulva, clitoris, changing vaginal taste, changing vaginal smell
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