Because it has been forever!!!!

Oct 06, 2008 19:50

I just figured I would stop in and say hey to everyone.  It has been crazy here since school has started.....which I am loving so far but ask me again in about a week.  I am cramming 2 chapters worth of information into my dusty brain each week, so I haven't had much "free"time for LJ or anything else for that matter.

I am having such a great time and have met some great new people.....and it is such a good break from the twins even though I miss being with them terribly.

On another is Georgia vs. Tennessee this weekend....let see who can suck more, shall we!

I sure am missing all you guys! Hopefully I will get back to normal soon!

*hugs and smooches to you all*

visited 9 states (18%)
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You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.

Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot.

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