So I started the inevitable "my thoughts on writing" essay. I fretted, I spewed, I angsted, I rewrote, I cringed and generally spent the last few months days editing two pages of "deep thoughts by deleerium", trying to come up with an accurate representation of what my writing process is like.
And I'm finally done.
I hope you find everything you're looking for in a writing essay, valuable tidbits for new writers, lessons learned from my own experience, and insight into the way my writing brain actually works.
I liek to write about boys having FOMG sECKZ!!!!11FTW. Time period and location(s) optional. And I always sometimes maybe occasionally have a nother martini beta. The End.
So there you have it. My philosophy on writing :D There's no magic formula, no trick, no secret society hoarding any top-secret writing knowledge. Nada. Nothing is more effective than to Just. Write. We /all/ get better with time.