LJ gave me a limited amount of characters to type in my comments, so I decided that it would be best to post this subject in another thread.
Athough this isn't necessarily true...
I thought it would be funny to think up what the rest of the zodiac might wear:
(please mention if there are any mistakes with the usernames and/or their sun signs...remember this is for entertainment only!)
Aries could possibly pull off ero loli or something bold/dramatic like guro or boystyle. Vibrant colors and dramatic make up are faves.These folks are generally the trend setters of the zodiac. Maybe the people who introduced dessert jewelry were Aries.
EGL Rams: zaphkiel_noise, miriya004, Bijouxdejais
Taurus tend to have a thing for investing in expensive brands. I can imagine a closet full of Juliette and Justine or Moitie. Tastes are generally simple, but classic (trends and cuts that don't go out of style). Taureans occasionally reveal their soft spot for pastels and florals. EGL Taureans: Talia_Speaks, archfaith, blonddebates, albinwonderland
Geminis generally dress up with no fuss. Casual lolita might be a good choice since they tend to put a twist to contemporary outfits (...OT: I just imagined a tarot card like illustration of gemini; the kuro and the shiro loli twins). All in all, they like to have fun with coordinates.
EGL Twins: Natasha_lolita, shelbycloud, tropigalia, ellorgast, wonderfinch
Cancer: known for our mood swings, we'd probably switch from sweet to gothic lolita during the day. Don't forget that inspite of their flair for business, they might not let go of that favorite cut sew or skirt on egl_comm_sales. I can imagine country lolita as a good style for crabs since they are famous homebodies (kind of like Taurus).
EGL Cancerians: deleciel (lul. big suprise), celticfreefall, unseelieallure, faunkegin, j9isawesome (i wonder why there are so many of us)
Leo: like you just said, these folks tend to be dramatic or OTT with their coordinates, unlike their Aries and Sag friends who love experiment and wear for fun, they live for style and have an eye for details and elegant cuts. EGL lionesses: Duplica_chan, junklandbablette, Artemiscangee, Octavekitten
Virgos are quick to spot with the prim and proper look. Classic lolita might suit them as well as shiro and dandy (for males or females). In spite of their virginal stereotype, you may be shocked to see them in ero or retro styles. You might spot these lolis at meet ups with a lint roller and/or Tide to Go Pen!
EGL Virgos: Sugarcreamcandy, 3Libras, chibister, ieatedyourcooki
Libras are beauty conscious and usually take the time to weight out the options of what to wear to meet ups. These people make great shopping buddies. They have a great eye for finding loliables in your mainstream department stores. Coordinates tend to be balanced.
EGL Libras: Kaorte, ro_ren
Scorpios are generally drawn to the dark and sexy themes of lolita. Kuro, gothic, aristocrat, and ero are all time favorites. They delight in disguise and in dramatic makeovers; wigs and false eyelashes are some of the tools of their cosmetic trade.
EGL Scorpions: Dykestar, Brionyalissa, Okami_loli_chan, bsix_cent_douze
Sagittarius are generally the ones who make up their own unique coordinates; always experimenting with different styles and cuts. I can imagine. EGL Sags: Crazyspork_i_am, Cassu_bean, sequinhat
Capricorns like to dress casually unless they have to step in to the spot light. They also tend to save up on lolita pieces, but have a growing collection of jewelry. Practical, versatile pieces can be seen in their closets. They're probably the first to tell newer lolitas to get basics first (bloomers, petti, blouses w/detachable sleeves).
EGL Caps: Spinafewtimes, Leine_black, punk_mary, adalmin
Aquarians like to dress unconventionally for that shock value (remember amanikitty's tennis shoes?). Like Libra, they tend to have good eyes for loliables in the most unconventional places (thrift shops are faves). They keep up with trends in their own way. No matter what style they like to try out, it's certain that an eclectic piece becomes a part of the coordinate.
Famous EGL Aquariuses: AmaniKitty, Swdpunk, thislonelyflower
Like Cancer, Pisces often also have an attachment to their favorite jsk or bolero. Fsbrics likes knits are a favorite among these lolitas for they move easily. Pisces are all about fantasy, make-believe, drama and imagination. It's not a surprise that the members mentioned below are fond of it through their daily_lolita coordinates. Although these folks are often skeptic on fashion recommendations (much like the archer), I think that these water loving lolitas were made for sailor and deco/fairy lolita as well as kadona.
EGL Pisces: ohchalua, princesaru, addictive_sugar
wow...egl seems to have a huge population of Capricorns, Cancerians, Leos and Geminis. Surprisingly, it took me ages to find some Aries members (either or they didn't mention their birthdays on their user profiles).