Mar 15, 2004 21:39
it has been a while since i've last updated... just to let you all know i'm not dead. however, it may seem that way because i've recently decided after a few wierdo stalkers to use a differnt screen name. so if you want it leave a message on the old one and i'll let you know if i deem you worth and if you're reading this you probably are.
anyway things are going alright, girls come and go, maybe i'll find one in this next wave which is weird because usually there is only one wave and i choose the wrong one and everyone dies or something like that... but i feel another wave coming so we'll see what happens here.
finals week this week but recording tuesday night and then st. patty's day wednesday and a little trip down to URI to see derek and kenny with mike and adam.. should be a good tiime.
also note to all of you i am now a certified bartender so you need one i am one. i am totally available for booking and all that so let me know cause i need work money and i like mixing drinks. anyway have a great night and a happy drunken st patty's day. later kids.