May 22, 2005 00:26
So I'm working for my dad now....He owns a storm shutter company (Costal Shutters and Construction) and I'm one of his helpers....I'm getting paid $8 an hour and it's not too hard, but it's tiring fo sho!
I got a call the other day from Residence Life at SHSU and I'm going to be an RA at Kirkley (I'm really excited to be there because I love Smith/Kirkley and I lived in Smith my freshman year.....I think it will be AWESOME!!!)
I'm reading a lot....I finished Animal Farm....Emma is my nighttime reading for right before bed, and Isaac's Storm (about the 1900 storm in Galveston) is my day time reading
Houston Astros don't seem to be doing so well....I love them lots but they need to pick it up (we have the worst record for away games so far this season)....I kinda want to go to a game cuz they are such fun, but I dunno I feel like it might be throwing my money away and just be a disappointment so for now I'll continue watching on TV and listening on RADIO...
Tomorrow I'm off to see Episode 3 with my parents, sending info to SHSU to send transcripts to my scholarships and to GC so I can take GOV there this summer....then on Thursday it's off to Syracuse, NY for the national RHA confrence (I'm writting half of this report that we have to write so we can still be affiliated nationally....not very fun but ya know!)
Well okay that's a brief update in my life....more laters....have a grrrrreat day!