Apr 22, 2006 01:48
I'm sure that by now you've heard of "Snakes on a Plane." If not, I'll explain: SoaP is a movie that features... well, um, I think you know by now. This is brilliant marketing. With a more pedestrian title, this movie would die a quick death, but since they went with the "truth in advertising title," it's become an internet phenomenon 4 months before its release. Therefore, I've decided to come up with some movies plots that are ridiculous, but saved by their matter-of-fact, audacious titles. Here goes!
Love at First Sight, but Then Shit Happens, But They Get Together at the End: Long title, I know, but it'll work. Boy meets Girl. They fall in love. Boy does something that is mistaken as heinous. Boy and Girl work it out, reconcile. I'll be upset if this doesn't hit $150 million at least...
Rappers on a Bus: This is my Oscar bid. Citizens of Columbia, South Carolina are forced to face their own racist tendancies when a touring group of gangsta rappers are forced ride public transportation after their tour bus breaks down. Why anyone would be on a local bus for more than 90 minutes is not explained, but it's sure to impress the academy.
Drunks Vs. Potheads: So, there's this one frat that loves to imbibe in spirits. Across campus, you have the frat that only likes ganja. They, of course, hate each other. Naturally, a prank war sparks up. Unfortunately, things tend to go awry due to the fact that everyone is involved is either drunk or stoned. Hilarity ensues. And the Dean is pissed!