Johnny Boy's very first grammy.

Feb 23, 2003 21:25

Never have I cried for a musical performance - untill tonight when my John took the stage and proved to the world that he finally has made it. The man I once stood two feet away from as he sang that ballad at State Theater in Falls Church - just sang his heart out in New York for the Grammys.
I've followed him through the last three years of his life. To quote Laura Marcantonio "I feel like a proud Mama" However - I have a bit of a bone to pick with baby John. He neglected to thank Dela, or the rest of the band for that matter. Or Scotty. what is this? ungratefulness! Scotty should wash his mouth out with soap when he gets back on the tour bus. But I'm still so proud of him. It's so weird to think how far he's come since the first time I saw him in a room of no more than fifty people... to the numerous post show antics where we got him joking around with us for nearly an hour after each show... to seeing him perform at a large arena for the very first time... to tonight where he proved he made it. Good job and God bless you. :)
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