Dec 24, 2004 04:51
okay so i am a lil drunk ^^ i think its funny.
I havent updated for a while sorry.
Not much is going on. I am prince of chicago... Go figure. We will see how long before they kill the selfless priest that runs a orphanage. By kill i mean a physical death or a death of character and morals. Either of which will be bound to happen in 3 months.
Work was hellish this last week. I however impressed all my 4 bosses. They didnt think the lil white boy could move so many packages so quickly... well its easy when you ignore the physical pain ;-)
Life for me is good except I feel pretty retarded when it comes to helping easy the hurt of my firends. I see that there is much hurt emotionaly or physicaly and I am at a loss at how to help. Well I offer myself as a verbal punching bag (not phycial thats what works for) if need be. Hope everyone has a happy holidays and that spirits find peace during this chilly time of year. Wow maybe I should be a lil drunk more often I seem to have better posts when i do.