Day 2

Jan 04, 2007 12:02

I should be working on a lighting plot, but I'm procrastinating a bit to congradulate myself of the second day in a row of getting up at 6am to go out to the gym to work out.

I have never been a morning person, and it’s taking quite a bit to get up so damn early to feel better about das thexy body. It’s getting easier each day, and I'm working harder and harder to become a more efficient well-oiled machine.

The next thing up, a 24 hour weekly schedule including EVERYTHING that I will be doing that week, and a checklist to see if I keep up with said schedule. I have a feeling that when I make it I'll realize that I'm a tad behind, especially since I have such high standards for myself.

The next month or so will be prep time to work up to the consistent 15-20 hour days that I'll be facing while I'm working on show. I want to get an A in every class this term, and having 8 classes at once...that'll make it tough as fucking nails to pull off. I'll probably die trying, or just won't be able to do anything social, I suppose I'll see once I have my schedule properly ingrained in my soul.

If I have any free time I'll likely be reading Covey's Traits of highly effective people. My dad suggested the read and I think that it'll really help with my work.

Although I've been feeling that my spirituality is suffering a tad due to my rigid work schedule. I might have to bust balls to get myself one day off a week so I can truly rest, rejuvenate, and reconnect.

I've started smoking weed again, that should probably stop, but so far it hasn't been affecting me the same way since I changed my diet to gluten free (stupid allergies). I've also lost almost 10 lbs cause of it, I don't have the same proteins and my body is adjusting. But back to the weed. I have this huge deal with demonising it once I do it since I have such a huge fear of addiction. I have gotten into places before where I smoke several times daily, and get nothing done, and hate myself for it. When I don't feel like following through with my responsibilities, I smoke, and procrastinate further, which is jank. But lately I've been smoking to relax, cause I have the time, almost like its no longer an excuse, but a recreational activity of sorts...certainly less fattening and more gluten free than alcohol. Which has been an occasional indulgence, but with new meds, and diet. Alcohol is a bit of a demon. I probably shouldn't have more than a glass of wine each day. Since I haven't been drinking at all in the last week, I feel pretty good about that.

My dad has quit drinking; I plan to follow his example. I’m really glad that my dad and I are getting closer. Soon we'll be able to talk freely and that makes me really happy, we are way too much alike, and it’s a sin for us not to get along as well as we should.

That’s all I can really think of for now. But I should go, its a new years resolution that I will not be late for a single class this year...I hope that pans out, but something tells me I'm gonna explode and say fuck it one day and do nothing but sleep.
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