A bunch of cool stuff

Nov 06, 2004 14:26

How to make a Delaold-Hugh

5 parts competetiveness

5 parts crazyiness

3 parts empathy
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Top it off with a sprinkle of emotion and enjoy!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com

CCuteHHauntingRResponsibleIIntenseSShocking DDeviousEExciting LLuxuriousAAppreciativeOOutrageous
Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com

Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK]
You are Super-Cool!
Woah! Step back - the future's so bright for you it's blinding me! You are the coolest of the cool. Everyone looks up to you as the benchmark for being coooool. The fonze was your grandfather. Any cooler and you'd freeze! WOO it's chilly in here.
Cool quizzes at Go-Quiz.com

delaold-hughFriendship Level: 67%
Random LJ Friend-O-Meter
From Go-Quiz.com

delaold-hughFriendship Level: 19%
Random LJ Friend-O-Meter
From Go-Quiz.com

Sammy, what happened?! Why are we so low?

Delaold-Hugh is poisonous! Induce vomitting if ingested.N
From Go-Quiz.com

I resent that last sign

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