I've spiked my coffee (it's delish and is going to give me every kind of kick that I can possibly want at this moment), scrutinized my plants (they're still alive, oh my!), played DRAW SOMETHING with friends and my sister, and settled into my reading nook with my laptop and books within easy reach. All in all, it could very well turn out to be the perfect Sunday afternoon.
Which of course is all an upgrade from yesterday, when I thought of acquiring an adorable puppy, simply for the purpose of kicking it. I am of course, only kidding. I love puppies. But seriously, anger was running rampant yesterday and the thought may have crossed my mind once or twice. The first half of the afternoon, I was for realz in sweatpants, huge shirt, and sunglasses, ordering a number one at White Castle and dashing out with the bag clutched to my chest, hoping that no one would recognize me. It was a dark dark day. I think I may have blacked out while eating. I cleaned up towards the end of it and got a sudden burst of energy but shit, PMS to the extreme. I only eat WC when I smoke and pretend not to be accountable for my actions. Though, come to think of it, it's embarrassing then too, when I'm hanging out of the car window, asking the drive thru menu for something with 'Soooo so many burgers, please.'
I want to be productive but I refuse to leave the house. Oh, even though my father has added more to my car, so I'll probably go out for a spin much later. I have no idea what any of it means but he did a lot of bragging about the engine and all of these shiny metal pipes that make it sound as if I'm drag racing at all times...and he showed me the new muffler (that's the pipe at the back, right? I'm assuming that I'm right about this) and it's shiny and giant... he's gotten carried away but I smile and nod at all the right places and floor it when he tells me to and laugh when he gets nervous, remembering me crashing horribly when I was kid.
Anyway, back to being here, in my reading nook. I want to be productive. I want to write or at least talk about writing. Have I ever mentioned that I'm much better at the second? It seems that no one is around, though, which is a downer. Anyone up for brainstorming/bouncing ideas off of each other/bullshitting while pretending to be doing something important?
Btw, I've joined
writerverse and
curiosing, and I are working on something new for
ofthepistol, if anyone's interested.