Mar 05, 2006 19:02
Happy Birthday Gramma!
Grandma Joyce (or just Gramma) was my closest grandparent. She lived in the house behind the one I grew up in. From her, my overarching curiosity, focus of will and reasonable manner can be traced. Many important life lessons, all of which continue to temper my moral sensibilities, are her undying gift to me. Her laugh was a silver ripple in a steady flowing creek over glistening, water-polished rocks. Her hugs were uncontestably the best. In life, she stood as a tower of peace and order amidst those chaotic rumblings which perpetually would assail me; her death in June of 1995 did much to plunge our family into unspeakable disarray from which we still recover. She is greatly missed.
Wherever she may be, our hearts ring out with a resounding Happy Birthday. I hope she has all the joy she would bring to our lives on our birthdays, and then some.