the best laid plans. harry potter. teddy/james ii. pg. 100.
for @hp_nextgen100's prompt #184: cheers. sort of a loose sequel to
covet but can be read alone.
tonight was the night. he was going to tell teddy how he felt.
This was it, James told himself as he threw back a shot. Tonight was the night. He was going to tell Teddy how he felt. No more pussyfooting around. He was a Gryffindor, dammit. He could do this. He could tell the guy he fancied he fancied him, for fuck’s sake. He grabbed their drinks from the bartender and went back to their booth, only to find an attractive stranger wrapped around Teddy.
“Cheers, mate,” Teddy said as he spotted James. “But I think me and Lucas are gonna head out.” With a lascivious smile, Teddy walked away.
Well, shit.
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