I can speak! I can sing! I can combat idiocy!

Jan 21, 2008 21:42

A lot can happen between posts. I believe the last time I updated, I was complaining about getting sick. That barely scratches the surface of my last week of life. Last Monday, I lost my voice, as in I couldn't scream out for help if I had fallen off my bed or been mugged or something. On Tuesday, when I went to Student Health with no voice, congested sinuses, a cough, and very strong body ache, they told me it was viral and that despite the fact that I had been getting progressively worse for six days, there was nothing they could do. So I went home, and followed their advice of taking 2-3 hot, steamy showers a day, gargling with warm water, drinking a shit-ton of liquids and taking seudafed for my sinuses. By Thursday, it was the worst day yet - I don't remember a time when I felt more miserable and more helpless, except perhaps last April. And at least back then they gave me drugs to help me out. I went to the clinic once again, and although they stood by their claim of viral infection, they gave me a prescription for clarithromycin and sent me for a chest x-ray at the hospital. The x-ray concluded that I did not have pneumonia, which was little consolation to my misery, particularly as it was snowing that day and therefore very difficult on my terribly painful throat. Then a miracle happened. Within hours of taking the antibiotic, I was feeling better, such that I was even able to make a brief sound with my larynx, and by the next day, friday, I was able to speak, albeit for limited time periods - however, the rest of my symptoms had completely disappeared, and by Saturday, although I continued to have some mild nasal and tracheal congestion, I was speaking normally - I might also mention that I was well enough to be convinced to go out to Town Friday night, although I did not drink. It was amazing. Viral my ass - I lost a week of my life because of their hesitance to prescribe an antibiotic to a patient who 1) is in serious pain and 2) already has a compromised immune system and 3) has shown only signs of increasing seriousness of infection with no independent immune effectiveness. That is utterly absurd.

Anyway, last week was also the first full week of classes - I managed to get to them, but was, well, silent. I did, however, miss a full week of work, which is not something I can afford to do. However, I did buy Star Trek: Voyager - Season 5 on DVD to nurse me through my recovery, and it has been amazing. Now I am attempting to catch up on my reading, and am finding it absurd that my 100-level applied anthro course has more reading assigned to it this week than any of my other classes, which are 300- and 400-level classes.

rants, alcohol, school, health, star trek

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