Dec 10, 2007 01:55
Classes are done with. But now I have a paper due Wednesday, a final on Friday, and a paper due Monday, and another Tuesday. This is far less time than what would be ideal. And I have yet to find the motivation in the last four days to start anything. This is going to be fun....
I cleaned today. That was about it. Friday and Saturday nights, however, i was in RARE form. How I accomplished this fact and still didn't do anything stupid (so I'm hoping but who knows what may have been said that might end up resurfacing) is unknown to me.
I feel like I was going to write more, but I'm unmotivated. Story of my life.
I was just marveling at the fact that no one, not even myself, really knows what's going on in my life. I think anyone with all that information just might have a heart attack. Or at least have some great novel material. LOL. I should work on that. The memoir is the main cultural product of our current moment, after all, and I don't want to miss the boat before we go on to something silly, like face painting or something.