Nov 06, 2004 23:37

G'day All!!!

How is everyone going? I'm hoping that you're all well! My jaw is not better yet, but I'm out of bed and not writhing in agony!!! (Well, to be honest it wasn't as bad as that, but I thought that the sentence sounded VERY dramatic!)

Cora told me that I have to teach her how to be "Occa" because she feels out of place at the bar where she works because they all watch cricket and Rugby Union and wear stubbies with thongs and she feels very... un-Australian... THERE'S ALSO THAT SHE TALKS IN AN AMERICAN ACCENT ALL DAY AND DOESN'T REALISE! YOU'RE AUZZIE DAMMIT! *shakes fist*

Well, I'm out of painkillers, so I'm not looking forward to the next few days! *looks ahead and trembles in trepidation* I changed my password for Hotmail and I can't remember it and it's locked me out... It sucks quite a lot! *nods a lot* And I uploaded Windows Media Player 10 and I am SO lost. It's so crazy and there are buttons that weren't there before! *gasps and falls over*

But enough about me!!! What's going on out there in the wide world of LJ? I hope I didn't miss anything relly important with anyone because you know what will happen... the world will... um... keep spinning I guess... BUT, I could get Superman to fly around the world backwards and make time go back!!!... but then I have to go through the teeth thing again... So that's a VERY bad idea.

I saw Bush win the election and heard some colourful words that I didn't think that my parents knew! Even after all of these years, it's still a shock to hear them swear! We weren't happy in my house that day... I guess the world is going to end in less then four years then... I TOLD MY YEAR FOUR SCIENCE TEACHER THAT THE EXPERIMENT I MADE TO TELL THE END OF THE WORLD WAS CORRECT, BUT NO, I GOT A D. Well, who's laughing now? Bush is I guess... also, just as bad (remembering I'm VERY Aussie and into sport)

Australia lost the fourth cricket test to India! I mean, I know it's a shitty pitch, but at the form that they've been playing at there is no excuse. But, Australia can't chase, we're always better at setting the runs then chasing after them... And the majority of you reading this have no idea what I'm on about! *laughs and considers making up fake sports terms to confuse you even more*

Oh, and for the people who read fanfiction, do you think the song "Look Good In Leather" Is SUCH a Draco song that you could faint!

I should go. I have to get up at 4am so that I can watch the Rugby Union! Australia versus Scotland. You may all think that I am crazy, and chances are at 4am I'll be cursing my head off, but oh well, I'm excited!

Oh, and I saw "residant evil : Apocolypse"... don't you hate it when you see a movie and you realise it was only made to build up to the next movie. It was like a filler for the third. I enjoyed it, and since my sister is Bi, she very muchly enjoyed perving on Milla... I didn't do ANY of that... *whistles innocently and tries to hide Milla wallpaper on her computer* I mean, she's no Eliza Dushku, but she's not hard on the eyes... and just incase you're wondering, YES, my sister is the gay one! *laughs* I'm just... a drama student! *grins*

I use that excuse for everything! And I'm going blonde again so the world will make sense! *is very happy*

And I'm blathering!!!

OH, and I fainted at the aftercast party for the plays my friends were in. It's not a good thing. I think I shouldn't have gone. I was doing the 'stop by' to say hi to everyone and then leave, but my body was mad because I'd been out of bed and apparently, BAM!!! I have no real recollection because I was... you know... watching that great big bit of lint in the sky!

Love you all... except you... yea you... *points to random LJ-er*... Nah, I guess I love you too!!!

*sends love* and YOU BETTER ALL BE CHEERING FOR AUSTRALIA IN THE RU tonight! EVEN IF You're Scottish!


And thatyou to everyone who told me to get better! It meant the world to me and made things hurt a lot less... now I can't get back into my email to reply... *growls*

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