Journal Update

Sep 25, 2007 23:39

Okay, I did an update of my writing journal stuff today. Just as a note, I write every day. I don't put every day's effort up here. I write on my other computer which does not have internet access, and then whenever I manage to get around to it, I post the things that I like or at least don't really hate here. I back-date them to the day they were written, but so my friends get a chance to see I try to do one of these posts every time. So here they are, with links, ordered by fandom rather than by date. I've got a few more things from August that I want to clean up just a little before I put them up and then I'll get started on posting the September entries. I added 6 things today.

23rd of February, 2007, Lindsey/Eve, The son of Rage and Love, PG-13, 2276 words -- I'm quite fond of this one, but it's incomplete and I think it will likely remain that way. There are a few chunks from the middle that are either really weak or just not there.

11th of February 2007, Giles/Ethan, pre-series, This is how my heart was broken., R, 3403 words. -- This fits into my still incomplete backstory of Giles, Beginnings, but it's an Ethan POV. It needs some serious editing, but I like it anyway.

26th of August, 2007, Oz/Giles, AU, The Power of Children, PG, 671 words (but the notes are at least half that long) -- This might work it's way into something longer one day. I have the plans, as my Authort's Notes allude to, but I've never actually started writing it. It's not the first time I've written this pairing, but the dynamic is very different.

29th of August, 2007, McShep, My mother once told me..., PG, 402 words -- I'm really very fond of this, short as it is. Just a little conversation between Teyla and John.

28th of August, 2007Gen, AU, Write about Something that Goes Unnoticed, PG, 616 words -- I'm really not at all sure how I feel about this. I like it well enough to post here, but probably not well enough to post in any of the communities.

4th of April, 2006, Gen, Lex, Julian (amberverse), It was a rainy day..., PG, 1242 words -- Incomplete, which is why it is so very late being posted. I've always liked this little snippet and thought I might do something with it. It's becoming increasingly clear to me that I never will. So here it is, kind of the beginning of a story. If someone would like to write the rest, I'd be more than happy to let them have a shot at it.

crossovers: smallville/amberverse, genre: het, pairing: giles/ethan, genre: gen, character: lex luthor, fandom: crossovers, character:julian (amber), pairing: lindsey/eve, fandom: the west wing, pairing: giles/oz, journal exercises, genre: slash, fandom: angel

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