Eraserheads Tickets Secured

Sep 18, 2012 23:52

I've been staring at this screen for more than 2 hours, now. In between, I surf the web -- trying to research on things I would eventually need for the books I'm writting; check my facebook newsfeed and click like on things I find interesting and amusing; check my plurk and twitter accounts to see if anyone has responded to my posts; watch some YouTube vids of Japanese pretty boys; stare at the job opening in this company I'm very interested in.

I could not understand how I feel right now. I'm supposed to be excited over this, as I am -- first and foremostly -- an Eraserheads fangirl. Add to that, it's been 15years since my BFF and I saw them together. Although, I'm happy that we finally got the tickets, I'm not elated to the point of squeeing or dancing in my underpants.

Have I been fangirling over other idols -- Arashi in particular -- to be so ... indifferent?

The last Eraserhead concert was about the same time I started obsessing on Arashi. Did I really replace Eraserhead with Arashi in my fangirl heart?
No fret, I'll still be there as early as 6pm (show starts at 8pm), front row, rocking it out on that day. Maybe, by then, I'll have more enthusiasm than today. Until then, I'll catch up with Arashi and secure my Arafes goods and keep calm and fangirl Nino.

(cross-posted in Blogspot)

arashi adek, !harem: east, eraserheads was my first fangirl love

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