Mar 10, 2010 22:03
- My new last name is Russo.
- I am probably 80 pounds lighter than when you saw me last.
- My hubby & I live on Washington Blvd. in Oak Park, IL. with our three cats.
- I love that you can see the Sears Tower from our kitchen window.
- My dream of moving west is still alive & once this economy gets better, I'll pursue it more seriously.
- I get to see my hubby's work on billboards, buses and in newspapers.
- I have my dream job, a photographer & designer that works from home.
- I am obsessed with Trader Joes.
- I can beat anyone at a parallel parking contest.
- I hate Chicago buses, but I love lower Wacker.
- My favorite place to shoot a wedding is the Chicago History Museum.
Please come visit me in Oak Park! I will take you out to eat at Grape Leaves where we can eat hummus & falafel, get coffee at The Buzz Cafe and then stop by Pumpkin Moon for a few toy robots and plastic godzillas.