Feb 11, 2007 20:47
Been a while I was supposed to post something. Here you go.
Paintball: the good and the bad, by Deko's experience
- You can let loose your crazy side do crazy things like storming the front, shooting "YARRRRRR" jumping over drums and shoot at least 1 ennemy to get shot 2 or 3 times by each of his friends
- You feel acomplished when you kill someone
- Shooting several times on someone's ass until he finally "I'm dead! I'm dead!" is fun and can be stress relieving when it's someone you hate
- Shooting point blank right on someone's head who was sneaking to climb up the stairs and shooting out loud "HEADSHOT" is MURRRRR (after the game, we found out that this person bleed a bit from my shot :X ... XD; )
- Going all commando-like with hand signs, advancing in the ennemy territory is just cool
- Rolling on the floor from wall to wall is fun, but it ends being a bit useless when someone pre-fire on the ground where you roll on... I recognize that rolling back and forth on the ground was stupid <'==='<;;
- Being stuck in a place and just peeking out your head to see 2 or 3 guns pointing at you and hiding back, balls whistling close your head is REFLEXE.
- Swaying your gun nozzle on the wall corner, swaying it up and down and moving it around to make fun of the ennemy so they all shoot their ammo is LOL.
- The bruises and colors at the end of the day are like trophies and made you realize it was worth the try to rush into the action... if you got few kills at least.
- Wallhacking: There was alot of it. The play zone was mainly made of wooden planks and they didn't all fit well all together. So, it happened often that I was calmly walking in a hallway to find a gun only poking out of a window and shooting at me. o'==='O; I didn't use this trick much, since the RED team was camping whores and someone had to beat their ass.
- Camping: Well, like I mentionned in the last point, there was camping. And the darned play area design didn't help to discourage it. :X The 3rd floor was a closed floor with 1 tightly tight stairway at each sides. In front of these stairways, there was a wall with gaps large enough to shoot through it... and RED team camped the 3rd floor often. If only we had nades.
- When I sneak to the 3rd floor and kill one camping ennemy, he quickly go down the stairs where I AM to respawn at his base.
- Sneaking behind 3 ennemies and shooting at them with a safety lock on totally sucks. :X I was all like "OH SHIT!" *goes back and dives down the stairs at lightspeed as the ennemies are like "WTF?!"
- Jammed gun sux too. I spent a whole round waiting for my gun to get repaired. Also, I've waited a whole round after someone who was cleaning his gun. I was covering him, but we endend being 2 VS 5... it was a big let down. :<
- If you aren't in good shape, be ready to feel your muscles all stiff and aching the next days depending on how many stairs you climbed or reckless sprints you did. :X
- The bruises and the colors at the end of the day. Oh wait, they aren't that bad after all. People keep saying paintballs hurt alot, but I didn't find so. Maybe it's something to do with the gun air pressure. The each bruises are very good memos to remind you to not do the same error twice.
I'm sure I could go on and on, but I think I got the general idea. In overall, I think much of the bad points were because of a flawned area design and the lacking of a good rules set. Next time, I'll try another area which I'll get feedbacks and photos of the game zone.
*squeaks away*