(no subject)

Nov 19, 2007 02:29

While I'm on the subject of awesome games, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is phenomenal. Like, seriously. Some of the most fun I've had with a game all year. Some of the best voice-acting in any game I've ever played, and the cutscenes are amazingly done (all of them were done actually acted out with actors in mocap suits) and the facial expressions on the characters are fantastic.

The story so far has been a lot of fun, though I'm still early on, and the characters are already really loveable. Nathan Drake is one of the easiest characters to identify with I've played as in a game (they did a fantastic job in their goal of creating the main character as being an ordinary guy in an extraordinary situation). I've found myself saying out loud the same exact thing that Nathan says just a half a second after. "You gotta be kidding me," or "Oh crap..." and "Here we go..." type stuff just throughout the gameplay, and it's perfectly placed.

Elena is probably one of the most believable and enjoyable female lead characters in a game too. From the very beginning, she establishes herself as a legitimate and loveable character that isn't there for eyecandy like most women in action/adventure games. I'm finding myself very excited for the inevitable moment when she and Nathan Drake get all up in the romance.

The melees are some of the best in a third-person shooter to date as well, and they're fun to pull off. You treat them more like combos than just a "Hit the melee button." You hit square 5 times for a "Fast and Furious Combo," you hit Square, Triangle, Square for a "Brutal Combo" (which nets you 2x ammo!), or you can do a "Gunslinger Combo" which is Square, R1, Square. I have yet to try this, as it doesn't tell you about it in the game's tutorial, but it does mention it in the instruction manual, so I'm excited to check it out.

Also, the game is going to have tremendous replay value. It's got a whole bunch of medals you can earn, which mirror Achievements on the Xbox360, such as "Get 100 Headshots" or "Kill 5 Enemies in a Row with a Brutal Combo" type stuff. Unlike Achievements on the 360 however, this stuff actually nets you shit. Each achievement is worth a certain number of Medal Points, and as you get more Medal Points, you unlock more stuff. Concept art and behind-the-scenes videos make up a good portion of it, but the parts that are really fun are being able to play as different characters, infinite ammo, being able to give yourself any weapon in the game at any time, fast motion, slow motion, different visual effects like black and white mode, sepia tone, etc., slow motion, super slow motion, one shot kills, the list goes on and on.

I beat Assassin's Creed and had a blast, it was a totally awesome game with a compelling story, and I'm really, really excited for the sequel. But I think Uncharted: Drake's Fortune has actually delivered one of the most legitimately fun gaming experiences I've had all year.

So, once again...if you have a PS3, or are planning on getting a PS3, GET UNCHARTED: DRAKE'S FORTUNE. You'll be very glad you did!

There's a demo of it on the Playstation Store to try out too. Almost forgot to mention that!
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