Apr 02, 2007 11:46
Silent Hill 3 was excellent. I liked 2 better, 2 pretty much blew me away. But Silent Hill 3 was great.
We're now onto Silent Hill 4: The Room. We're about 2 hours in, and already the "...whaaaaat the fuck" factor is higher than any of the others. Very cool. Here's the premise to it:
You're this guy, Henry Townshend. You live in this apartment in a town next to Silent Hill. A couple strange things have been happening lately...you've had this recurring nightmare that started about five days ago. Also five days ago, you couldn't get out of your room. Out of nowhere, there's all these chains and locks keeping your door shut. When you look out the window, everything looks normal outside. You're just trapped in your room. No matter how much you yell, no matter how hard you pound on your door, no one seems to be able to hear you. Even when they're right outside your door.
That's basically how the game starts you off. Intriguing, no?
I still need to finish S.T.A.L.K.E.R., but I've had a bunch of work recently. I'm hoping I'll be able to do that after Wednesday. If you like first person shooters, I highly recommend it. It's A.W.E.S.O.M.E. (AHAHAHAHAHAHA! HOO BOY, THAT WAS A GOOD ONE!). It's not just like any other FPS though, because it's free-roaming. It's been called the Morrowind of FPS's.
Anyway, back to my stupid Digital Media assignment.