Dec 15, 2004 19:54
Sorry I fell random today. This morning I woke up, and eventually got downstairs. I wanted to check the time on the microwave, but all it said was "END" lol. It feels like the end of the world, but I'm sure that's how the Slaves felt in Holocaust I (sorry, if I say that, I'm talking about the slavery thing in the USA), and the Jews felt in Holocaust II (the real one). Debbie, I'm glad we have deep dark secrets. I've been kind of hinting lately, lol, I don't know why. Oh, and thanks Samantha, I'll ask you if I need help :-D ... I made flashcard things that show the staff thinger, and each has a different note thing on it. I have sharps, flats, treble cleff, and bass cleff. Do you think that will work? today two plates broke during lunch, lol. I'm starting to say random things, so nothing really happened lol as usual. bye...