(no subject)

Nov 19, 2004 16:20

i think i decided that i like my hair...for now anyway..things can change
people complemented it today which made me feel better about it, i know they all would lie if it looked like a rat's ass, but hearing it is always good lol

i'm so tired. i was falling asleep in A-block again. i hate it when he shows boring historical movies in the dark! as soon as the lights go off i cant help but shut my eyes. i try not too..but it's so hard. i end up getting nothing out of it. only tourture

and speaking of torture, the phones kept ringing all fucking through my nap! i went down at 230 and the house phone went off twice and i didnt move and fell back asleep, then lisa called my cell at 4 and i had to get up for that. so i just stayed up. grrr...i'll be in a shitty mood for the next hour. at 5:45ish she's comming to mi casa and we are going to n.plymouth high school so i can see my favoite person KERRY and watch my favorite new band...before the crash.
bye peeps
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