(no subject)

Nov 06, 2004 22:16

went to the mccaffry's annual harvest party today like i do every year. it was ok. hung out iwth ben, dave, chris and some other kids for most of the time. the fire really loved me though, so i had to spend a lot of time with it. then i helped the boys out iwth their poker game. david killed them..we'll it took him a while to get chris..but still. hes good man

yesterday i went to all about. it was a good time. johnny seth ashlee nate anthony and some other people were there. we ended up all going to taco bell after with more people...then i went home cause i'm a loser and it was almost 11. it was still a good night though.

i'm carless right now. i was a good sister and let nicole use it for the night. i feel a little screwed over..but i guess it's time i start sharing a little. why the hell not right??

if felt wicked off for the past few days or week. i dont like it. most of the time i'm in a non-positive mood..whether that is depressed irritable pissed frustrated or whatever else. i dont wanna deal with anyone or anything. all i want is to be in a normal mood. i feel like i cant take any shit from anyone right now or i'll "blow my top" i kinda just wanna screem really loud, or ball my eyes out. i can feel one of them comming.

i smell like smoke (from the fire) so i'm thinking about changing...
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